Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Garden of Herbs

Although we've been growing a wide variety of vegetables for several years now, we've never gotten into herbs, so we decided to expand this year.  Of course, our garden expands every year, but this year herbs were included in the expansion plans.  We had the best luck with our basil that we started from seeds back in March.
Like most plants in the garden, we planted way more basil than we really need.  However, as you know, we don't like to let anything go to waste, so what better way to use all that basil than make a bunch of delicious pesto :)  Being amateurs at making pesto, we experimented with various recipes from friends as well as ones we found in cookbooks.  After combining various components of different recipes to get the flavor and consistency we like, we arrived at our version of the perfect pesto...

2 cups fresh basil
2 garlic cloves
2/3 cup EVOO
1/8 cup lemon juice
1/2 cup Parmesan cheese
dash of salt
several dashes of pepper (we LOVE black pepper)

We blend everything together using our BlendTec blender, which we drove to the Costco in Blue Springs, MO to get a few months ago when the BlendTec demo guy was there because Mathew was so excited about getting one.  Of course, any blender or food processor will work.  Once it's all blended together, using the suggestion of some friends (thanks Cory and Katherine!), we pour it into ice cube trays and freeze it.  When it's frozen, we throw it into freezer bags and have ice cube size servings of pesto ready to use on french bread or in pasta.  It's very convenient and extremely delicious!

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