Thursday, September 1, 2011

Just like Aunt Lindsay

During Sunday night dinners at my parents' house, Madeline sits in her carseat or in her swing next to the table and is usually perfectly content letting us enjoy a nice meal, which I thoroughly enjoy as hot meals are not a luxury we get to enjoy too often.  However, we had a different dinner experience the other night.  She sat in her swing chattering away the entire time.  At first, it was usual Maddie blabber, but after a little bit, when nobody went over to talk to her or pick her up, her chatter took on more of a loud, upset tone.  As I was trying to eat quickly so I could tend to her before she got mad, my sister Abbey commented that Maddie was acting just like our sister Lindsay.  Not only was she talking non-stop like Lindsay can do (Lindsay always has stories to tell), but it's a running joke in our family that she has to be the center of attention.  If someone isn't listening to her, she will simply talk louder, just as Maddie was doing.  If you still aren't paying attention to her or if someone tries talking when she is talking, which we all enjoy doing just to antagonize her, she'll butt right in.  Before we know it, Maddie is going to be saying "Excuse me, I have a story!" just like her aunt.

That got me thinking about all the other ways she's like her Aunt Lindsay...
Maddie is turning into a night owl, just like Lindsay is.  She used to go to bed between 9 and 10.  Just the other night, she was bright-eyed and giggly laying in bed with her dad while he did a mock fantasy football draft at 11:30 PM...
She has started staying up late more often too.  She was wide awake until almost 11 PM the other night, and she hadn't even slept that much during the day.  Lindsay, you're going to need to come hang out with her in the evenings as I enjoy crawling into bed before the 10 PM news is over!

Just like Lindsay, Madeline looks incredibly cute in hats...

They both have blond hair (I tried to find a few pictures that show how blond Maddie's  is, but it's even lighter in the sunlight) ...

And to go with their blond hair, hot pink is definitely a good color on both of them.  They both wear a lot of it too :)

And I've already written about how they both enjoy a nice afternoon nap...
Coincidentally, they are both named after Hoferer women as well...Madeline Margaret after my Grandma Margaret and Lindsay Marie after my grandma's sister Marie.  I'm just hoping that Madeline isn't a psychology major in college.  (Just kidding, Lindsay!)

1 comment:

  1. First of all, let me just begin by stating that I rarely (if ever) say "excuse me" prior to intervening with "I have a story"! That just does not grab peoples attention as well...too polite ;)

    Second of all, I only get to see you guys once in a blue moon and I can only get across so many stories through phone calls so naturally I have stories to tell. And yes, I am staying in the present moment and will not reflect upon the good ol' days when I was in Top City because you have a valid point.

    Third of all, I fully support Madeline in being a night owl. Mornings are not that exciting but there are always places to go and people to see at night. So keep it up girl!

    Also, of course Madeline looks amazing in hats and hot pink. If she didn't, I may very well have to disown her ;)

    Finally, if Madeline so chooses to go in to psychology I'll throw her the biggest party ever on this side of the Mississippi.

    That is all.

    Aunt Lindsay

    P.S. Sarah-I have a story so call me!
