Thursday, September 22, 2011

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

In case you didn't know, Mathew is a HUGE fan of his birthday.  In fact, it's birthday week around our house, and we have three days of birthday festivities starting tomorrow.  Considering how much he loves his birthday and how much he loves Madeline, I can only imagine what her birthday is going to be like!  In honor of his 27th birthday, I thought it would be fun to put together a compilation of some of my favorite photos of Madeline and her daddy over the past 3 1/2 months.
First time holding his baby girl...
Home from the birth center (she was so tiny!)...
I love those big blue eyes, which Maddie also has...
 First story time...
 I usually lay Maddie in bed next to her daddy after her morning feeding, and I take lots of pictures of them snuggling because it's so cute...
 Napping together on Father's Day...
 Another morning cuddle time.  However, Maddie is a huge bed hog, so there isn't room for the three of us anymore since she loves to stretch out.  It's amazing how much room a 15 pound baby can take up when she stretches her arms straight out.  As Mathew says, we need a bigger bed!
 First time swimming...
 Daddy and Maddie on mommy's birthday...
 One of my absolute favorite pictures...
 Daddy and our little lady bug :)
I had to throw in one more picture that shows the front of Maddie's outfit because it's SO cute...
After our weekend full of birthday festivities, I'm sure I'll have lots of pictures of Maddie with her daddy to post next week!

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