The other night, I go up to get a drink of water around 4 AM. Half asleep, I glanced in her bed and saw this...
Needless to say, I was instantly wide awake. I always lay her in the middle of the bed, and she wasn't there. I quickly glanced to our bed to see if I had laid her there after a midnight feeding that perhaps I didn't remember, but she wasn't there either. I glanced at the monitor, which was still blinking to indicate movement in her bed. Completely perplexed, I peered over the edge of the bed and saw this...
At first I thought she had rolled over, but then I decided she wouldn't have space to do a full roll from back to tummy and tummy to back again, not to mention, it would be incredibly impressive for a two month old to do a full roll like that. After watching her for the past couple of days, I realized how she did it. She figured out how to scoot! When you lay her on her back, she bends her knees and pushes herself with those strong little legs. Now that she's figured that out, every time I put her in her bed, she scoots herself to the side. She also does it any where else you lay her (couch, changing table, bed, etc.) so we really have to watch her now!
Here's a few more pictures of bright blue-eyed beauty :)
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