I went to put one of my favorite dresses on Maddie, but this is what it looks like on her now...
It's more of a short shirt than a dress! Obviously, she's growing like a flower (in the words of Grandma Emma), but I see her everyday so I don't realize how fast she is growing until I go to put an outfit on her that seemed to fit just the other day. Mat was giving me a hard time about being upset that she's growing so fast until this happened...
That's Maddie in her daddy's favorite outfit ever...the pink dancing monkeys. However, the pink dancing monkeys are going to have to go in the tub that is quickly filling up of clothes that don't fit her since this is now like spandex on her. The snaps will hardly close!
In looking through photos of Miss Maddie, here's another vivid example of how much she has grow in less than two months. This picture was taken in her yellow bumble bee outfit (another favorite of mine) on June 29 (notice how even though she was less than 4 weeks old, the size 3 month socks didn't fit her as the heel of the sock was part way up her foot...)
Here she is on August 6, and we couldn't snap it anymore!
I love this picture. Her look is saying "Mommy, what are you thinking trying to cram me into some outfit made for a tiny 3 month old? Come on, I am in the 90% percentile for height at my age!" She's been long and lean since the day she was born, and although it's a bit sad thinking that she'll never be able to wear some of my favorite outfits again, I'm happy to have a little girl that is growing just like she should. Fortunately, she has a closet full of adorable clothes that she's yet to grow into, so I'll just find some new favorite outfits :)
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