Monday, August 22, 2011

Madeline's baptism

This past Saturday, August 20, was a very special day for us as we celebrated the baptism of Madeline Margaret.  She wore the baptism gown that has been worn by everyone in the Reilly family (my mom's side of the family) for over 40 years, which includes my siblings and I.  Here she is as I finished getting her dressed.

Maddie and Aunt Abbey, her godmother.  Initially, Mat said she wasn't allowed to wear the hat...but then he saw how adorable she looked in it :)
She started to get a bit fussy during mass (the homily was too long for her), but she fell asleep towards the end and slept through most of the baptism ceremony.  Not surprising, she did wake up when Father Chris poured the water on her head, but she didn't cry.  It just startled her for a minute until she decided it wasn't too bad, and she fell back asleep.  Here are just a few of the many pictures from the day...

The 3 of us with my sisters, parents, and Mat's mom.
Madeline (who loved the brightly colored ceiling in the church) and my sisters.

Maddie with her 2 aunts and 2 great-great aunts.

After the ceremony, everyone joined us for dinner at our house.  It was a fantastic evening, and we're very thankful everyone was able to come.  Madeline slept for most of the party, but she did wake up for a bit to watch as I opened her gifts :)

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