Miss Maddie turned 2 months old yesterday, so that meant a visit to the doctor today. We finally found a fantastic family practice doctor that we love, which makes it a much more pleasant experience. They also have the best nurses there. She had to get one oral vaccine and three shots today. Needless to say, she did not enjoy the shots, but the nurses did it nice and fast. When they poked her, her eyes got wide open, her face turned bright red, and she screamed at the top of her little lungs. However, the nurses quickly put a few band-aids on her and handed her to me. Within less than a minute, she had calmed down, and she's been fine ever since. We were told that they can be fussy, but she's slept most of the day and hasn't been fussy at all. What a fantastic baby girl :)
Since I never posted her 2 week stats, they were as follows:
height - 21.5" (75%)
weight - 8 lbs 3 oz (50%)
She grew a lot in those first two weeks as she was only 6 lbs 11 oz and 20 3/4 inches at birth. They usually hope babies are back up to birth weight at 2 weeks, but she never lost any, which was fantastic.
Today, her 2 month stats were:
height - 23.5" (90%)
weight - 11 lbs 15 oz (75%)
No wonder most of her 3 month pjs don't fit. She's a very long little girl! Overall, the doctor said she was doing great, so we go back when she's 4 months for her next check-up and round of shots.
Sarah are you bored?