Sunday, October 2, 2011

A weekend of "firsts"

Madeline had several "firsts" this past weekend.  On Friday, she went to the airport with my parents to get my sister Lindsay, who flew in for the weekend in between work trips.  Lindsay hadn't been home since Maddie's baptism back in August, so we were super excited that she was able to come back for a few days :)  On the way back to Topeka, they stopped and had lunch at Milton's in Lawrence with Abbey.  Too bad I was in training all day and couldn't join in on the fun...
We had Maddie in a special outfit we'd been saving for Lindsay's trip home.  You can't read her shirt too well in this picture, but it says "My auntie loves me".  We had to get it a few weeks ago, especially since it's lime green (Lindsay's favorite color) and teal (Abbey's favorite color).  Also, check out Maddie's awesome hot pink stripped socks.  We were also thinking of her Aunt Lindsay when we put those on her...
Maddie being a baller in Lindsay's sunglasses...
On Saturday morning, Maddie participated in her first 5K for the Race Against Breast Cancer.  My mom and I are on the board for the RABC, and our family started a tradition of partaking in the 5K festivities.  It was pretty chilly in the morning, and it actually frosted at our house, which Mathew pointed out was the first frost of Maddie's life.  After getting her bundled up and decked out in pink from head to toe, we headed to town with plans of being at the race by 8:15 since that's when they release the doves prior to the run at 9.  Well, about halfway to town, poor Maddie spit up ALL over herself, so we had to do a complete outfit change upon arriving at my parents' house.  However, it worked out ok since it turns out that her aunties had an outfit they were planning on her wearing.  They had stopped at the KU bookstore on Friday and got this sweatshirt (which says "Somebody at KU loves me") for her...
They also got out this onesie that my mom has been talking about.  It was actually Abbey's when she was little...
Can you tell Abbey was just a little excited about decking out her niece in KU apparel?

We didn't make it to the race in time to see the doves, but it was a great event regardless.  There were over 2,500 participants, which is 1,000 more than last year!  While Mat, Linday, Abbey, and I ran, Maddie hung out with my parents.  Afterwards, we had a great time talking to all kinds of family and friends that also participated in the event.
They had temporary tattoos this year, so we all got pink ribbons on our cheek, and Maddie got one on her hand...
Saturday night, Maddie had another first.  However, this wasn't nearly as fun since it was her first cold.  The poor little girl was sneezing all night long, and her nose was really stuffy.  Needless to say, she was not happy about barely being able to breath though her nose, which also meant that she absolutely did not want to lay down.  Therefore, her and I spent a good portion of the night "sleeping" in the rocker.  Having a baby with a cold is no fun at all since there's nothing you can do for her.  After the long night, we had a bit of a lazy day on Sunday hanging out with my family and cheering the Chiefs to victory.  Maddie even sported some Chiefs apparel...
Maddie was in a "I need to be held at all times" mood most of the day, but that worked out ok since there was no shortage of people who love to hold her.  She did get some outside swinging time in though, which cheered her up a bit...

 Now, Mathew and I aren't feeling the best either.  It was a great weekend, but it sure would be nice to have a recovery day to catch up on some sleep.  Unfortunately, Monday is the first day of close week...

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