Thursday, January 5, 2012

Retro clothes

When I arrived to pick up Madeline from my parents' house one day, this is what she was wearing (which was definitely not what I had put her in that morning before dropping her off)...
Yes, it is a long sleeve red velour outfit with a white collar.  Can you tell it's from about 1985?  The number of things my mom saved from my childhood is amazing.  While there are some outfits that are rather unfortunate, there are definitely a number of other ones that are pretty cute.  For example, here's Maddie wearing the dress that I wore on my first Christmas...  
When I showed up with her in this dress at my parents' house, my mom got out my baby book and found several pictures from 26 years ago of me wearing it.  It was pretty neat.  Maddie looks a fair amount like I did when I was a baby...except I had long jet black hair, and her hair is pretty short and light blonde.  Here she is with Nana...
 Madeline and Aunt Lindsay...
 Maddie is definitely more interested in Aunt Lindsay's Kindle than smiling for yet another picture...
 Here's a few pictures of her sitting in the miniature rocking chair that my mom has had for as long as I can remember.  There are pictures of me sitting in this rocking chair in my baby book as well.

Just the other day, my mom showed me the stack of boxes in the attic (organized by size) which contain all of her favorite outfits that my sisters and I wore.  While there are some that she might not be wearing, there are a few that I'm super excited for her to be able to wear once she's big enough :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Your mom is such an organized saver! Anything I saved from my kids is all ajumble somewhere in a closet. It is a sign that your mom has the "Margaret" gene of taking really good care of things!
