Monday, January 23, 2012

Making Friends

On Friday night, we went to visit our good friends Cory and Katherine to meet their beautiful baby girl Charlotte.  Madeline is usually the baby wherever we go, so it was a change having her be the big girl.  Here she is "holding" her new friend...

It's hard to believe that Maddie was that size a mere 7 months ago.  She's a giant compared to Charlotte!

 Charlotte has a full head of beautiful hair, which Maddie was thinking about trying to grab so we called it good with the pictures at that point...
Although 7 months is a world of difference right now, we decided that they could definitely be the city doubles champions in about 14 years.  The two of them are going to be on the tennis court as soon as they can hold a racket!

On Saturday, we went to 4 PM mass.  When our arms got worn out from holding our very active 7 month old who wants to move and grab anything she can get her hands on, I sat her in the pew next to me.

We sat next to a mom who has a little boy that was about 2 years old.  When I sat Madeline in the pew, the little boy scooted over to sit next to her.  In typical Maddie form, she gave him the stare down for a minute...
A few minutes later, she reached her hand out towards his hand.  His eyes got huge, and he quickly scooted back towards his mom.  A few minutes later, he decided he wanted to check her out again so he came to sit next to her.  Once again, she reached out to grab his hand/arm, and he quickly retreated.  It was adorable.  After that, he stayed by his mom and played with his toy truck, so Maddie just watched.
She had plenty of her own toys to play with, but she just sat watching him for the last few minutes of mass, which worked out just fine!

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