In the past few weeks, Madeline has started grabbing anything and everything on which she can possibly get her hands. When she's sitting on someone's lap on the couch and spots the remote, she lunges for it. The other night, she somehow managed to grab my glass of water off the nightstand and pour it all over my back. She is exponentially more mischievous.
After I got her ready for church this weekend, I set her down with a few toys to play with while I got ready...
Here's our little cutie playing with her toys just like she's supposed to. (Note the fully packed and ready to go diaper bag sitting by her...)
She hasn't had any teeth come in yet, but they're definitely close as she chews on everything even more than she used to right now...
A few minutes later, I walk back into the room and this is what I find...
In that short time, she managed to take everything out of the diaper bag...her blanket, hat, dirty diaper bag, diapers, spare outfit, burp cloth, pacifier, socks...all of it.
Here she is examining to see what's left in the bag...
Busted!It's amazing how much she has changed in just the past week. It started off by her rocking forward a bit when she sits. Now, she's progressed to lunging towards thing and falling forward onto her tummy. She hasn't taken off crawling yet, but I don't think it will be too long before that day arrives. After that, we'll really have our hands full!