I'm in a training class at Washburn this week, which is very convenient since my parents only live a block away from campus. In the morning, I drop off Maddie with my mom, leave my car at their house, and walk to class. It makes me feel like I'm in college again. During lunch, I walk to my parents' house to say hi since it's not every day I get to see Maddie at lunch. As I was walking towards their house the other day, I saw this...
My initial thought was...no way. However, as I got closer to the house, my thought was confirmed...My mom got the yellow swing out of the attic that my siblings and I all used when we were little. It seems like just the other day I was pushing my baby sister Abbey (who is now 20 years old) in that swing in the yard. Now, my little girl is swinging in it. Crazy. I would definitely say Madeline is a HUGE fan of it...
Considering how much she loves her motorized inside swing as well as how she loves being outside, I'm not surprised that she loves a swing outside. It's pretty much like heaven for her...
She was fascinated with looking up at the tree and watching the leaves blow in the wind.
However, she isn't sure what to think when she feels a breeze from the wind, but she is getting used to it.
I am just amazed at how well she can hold up her head while swinging. She's such a big, strong girl...
The gorgeous weather the past few days has allowed for lots of outside swinging time. I love this picture. She looks so comfy just lounging in the swing and enjoying the beautiful fall afternoon...
You might have noticed Maddie's bib in the last few pictures. She has turned into a bit of what her dad refers to as a "slobber-monster" lately, so we broke out the bibs. Here's a picture of her in the stroller (that was also used by her Aunt Abbey) wearing her "My First Halloween" bib from Grandma Emma...
She gave me a big smile because she was so happy to see her mommy in the middle of the day :)