Saturday, March 10, 2012

9 months old

It's hard to believe that our baby girl is already 9 months old!
 She had her 9 month check-up on Friday.  It was the first time she's gone to the doctor and not had to get any shots :)  She weighted in at 19 lbs, which puts her in the 50% percentile for weight, and she's a full 29 inches long, which puts her in the 95% percentile for height.  That wasn't too much of a surprise as she's been wearing 12-18 month clothes for a while now.
She has four teeth, and she's crawling around non-stop.  She also pulls herself upright.  She learned to wave bye-bye this week, and she smiles and claps when someone cheers her on by saying "Good Job Maddie!" or "Yay Madeline!".  Nana also taught her how to play patty-cake.  Overall, I'm happy to report that we have a very healthy (and very happy) little girl!

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