Wednesday, November 16, 2011

First cereal

On Monday night, Madeline got to try some rice cereal for the very first time.  Well, it was 4 parts milk and 1 part cereal, so it was pretty much like slightly thicker milk that she ate with a spoon.  Here she is sitting in her high chair like a big girl...

Notice Bailey curiously checking out the situation.  She has no idea that within a few months, Maddie will probably be throwing food on the floor for her to eat.

Maddie wasn't so sure about the very first bite...
She was very concerned with the spoon...

But she quickly decided that the cereal was delicious and that she wanted to hold the spoon herself...
After that, she was like a little bird holding her mouth open to indicate she was ready for another bite...
Of course, daddy had to get in on the fun...
He was making all kinds of funny faces at her, so she was cracking up.  However, I managed to completely miss getting a shot of her laughing and got the wide-eyed staring at dad look (which is still pretty cute) instead...
Wanting to chew on the spoon some more...
After reading that a lot of babies only eat about 1 tsp at their first several feedings, I was pleasantly surprised when Maddie downed over a tablespoon.  However, she told us pretty clearly when she was full as she started screaming when I tried to give her another bite, so we called it good for the night.  The next morning, my mom was excited to get to feed her cereal, and she reported that Maddie ate it without any problems once again.  I'd say we're off to a pretty good start into the wonderful world of solids!

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