Madeline is a very blessed little girl who has a lot of people that love her. She definitely fared very well in the gift department, and she was also the hit of several Christmas parties. She got to spend the entire week leading up to Christmas with Mom, Dad, Uncle Michael, and Aunts Lindsay & Abbey. Of course, she got to see a lot of Nana and Grandpa too, but she always gets to see a lot of them during the week. We were on the go non-stop for most of the week, and Maddie was a real trooper through it all. She had fun showing off her new skills that Aunt Lindsay hadn't seen (sitting up by herself in particular).
As usual, we spent Christmas Eve at my parents' house with my mom's side of the family. Here's Miss Maddie and I after going to 4 PM mass with my family...
We had to include daddy in a few as well...
I wasn't sure how she would handle all the strangers (there were over 40 people there), but she did great. She let all kinds of people hold her, giggled a lot, and flashed lots of smiles. When it came time to open gifts, she cleaned up. She even received several toys that are bigger than her!
I love the stack of animals in particular. They're bright & colorful and very plush. The animals also make various noises when you squeeze their heads. It was a hit with Madeline as well :)
Christmas morning, we opened gifts at our house first thing. Here's Maddie sitting by the tree with all the stockings and gifts...
She was an extremely happy little girl (then again, how can you not be extremely happy on Christmas morning?!?)...
Pulling presents out of her stocking...
So many presents!
Once again, she loved the bows...
And, of course, the ribbons...
Next, we headed back to my parents' house for our traditional Christmas brunch and opening of gifts between my immediate family (and Santa, of course). Notice Maddie is in a different outfit...
We had not one but two accidents at my parents' house, which involved washing outfits for Maddie and daddy in the sink (since I apparently didn't pack enough spares), and one of the couch cushions got washed as well. In spite of it, we had a great time, and we all received fantastic gifts from my family. Some of the highlights for Madeline were a handmade blanket from Aunt Lindsay, some wooden blocks from her uncle and aunts, a handmade Christmas book from Aunt Abbey, and some fantastic books (including everyone's favorite Brown Bear, Brown Bear) from Nana and Grandpa.
After brunch, it was off to Tonganoxie to see Grandma Emma, Jim, and Mat's sister. Not surprisingly, this involved more food and more presents!
Maddie gets the biggest kick out of this stuffed Clifford the Big Red Dog every time she's at Grandma Emma's house. What can we say, she loves puppies of all shapes, sizes, and colors :)
Her daddy has been saying that she needs bigger bows since all the bows I put on her aren't big enough. He was finally satisfied with the size of this bow...
It reminds me of the movie "My Fair Lady", and I love it.
Our final stop of the day was at my Great Aunt Marie's house. We arrived after dinner (which was fine since we were still very full), but we had a great time playing several games of Catch Phrase. After playing with just the "kids", we decided to include the "old people" (in the words of my cousins). It was an absolute blast!
After driving around Potwin (where my great aunt lives) to admire all the beautiful houses and Christmas lights, we went home with a very tired baby girl (and two very tired parents). However, it was an absolutely fantastic day, and we couldn't have asked for a more wonderful first Christmas with Madeline!